Fair scenes.....
Here are some views in our cabinets at the 2011 Great Sydney Antiques Fair.
A tribe of Chinese porcelain Foo dogs, Kanxi, circa 1690
A beautiful blanc-de-chine Guanyin, Kanxi period c. 1680.
Framed by a Swato dish, Ming porcelain, recovered from the Bin Thuan shipwreck off Vietnam, which sank around 1608.
Below, a rare Red Anchor Chelsea figure of a boy, c.1755, seems to be feeding a Derby deer, c.1770.
Our scent bottles include this stunning Chelsea example below, circa 1760, modeled as two boys building a house of cards. It is particularly special as it came from the Blohm collection, and would have been one of Mrs Blohm's 'Toys' she carried through war-time Germany when she fled via Sweden.
In the background is a St James / Girl in the Swing - scent modeled as Harlequin & Columbine, circa 1755.